In the LIX edition of the Racimo de Oro (golden bunch) competition
in Trebujena, 43 enormous bunches were presented, 34 Palomino and 9 Pedro
Ximenez. The winner was a bunch of Palomino weighing 6.845 kilos presented by Manuel
Marin Raposo. Palomino usually wins as the bunches are usually bigger. The
Racimo de Oro is awarded to someone or some organisation who has done the most
for Trebujena, and this year it went to the women’s organisation Doña Palomares
(Foto + Jerez) |
If you visit Williams & Humbert you will see four butts
signed by the Beatles in 1965. It has always been assumed, therefore, that they
were in Jerez – and even that they played there. Unfortunately this is untrue.
They played only in Madrid and Barcelona, but a shrewd W&H marketing man
took some butts to Madrid, along with a venenciador, and they were signed there
– at the hotel. John Lennon had a (not very successful) shot at the venencia.
All this and more will be revealed in a forthcoming RTVE (Spanish TV)documentary.
(Foto JL Jimenez) |
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