
Sunday 12 July 2015

12.7.15 Sanlúcar Mayor Pro BIB; Latest on Harvest

The Town Council of Sanlúcar has made a stand in favour of Manzanilla producers who are flouting the wine rules in general and those of the Denominación de Origen (DO) in particular by selling declassified wines in bag-in-box (BIB), a container which is not authorised by the Consejo.
On Friday they sought explicit support from the Mayor of Sanlúcar, Victor Mora, in a ratcheting-up of the love-hate tension between Sanlúcar and Jerez, where there is also the issue of Sanluqueños being allowed to produce Fino for commercial expediency while Jerezanos cannot produce Manzanilla. Both issues remain unsolved.

BIB was the main topic of the meeting at the Council, which came out in spirited support of it, saying that the BIB is taking over from the traditional “garrafa”, the only vessel allowed by the Consejo for bulk wine, as the trade is modernising by taking advantage of this container’s superior qualities of hygiene and environmental impact. Wine is protected from the light and the air, and is more easily poured and transported.

Victor Mora meeting with Manzanilleros (foto:diariojerez)

The Consejo for its part says that BIB’s are marketed in a way which confuses the consumer, as they carry the name of the producer, Manzanilla imagery, and use terms such as “en rama” and “fina” leading people to think they are genuine Manzanilla.

Despite repeated heatwaves the harvest is looking fine so far. The worst enemy is the Levante wind which can reduce the crop, but not much has been seen of it. The predicted start date for the harvest is the 20th of August and a crop of between 67 and 70 million kilos is expected, much the same as last year, which was sufficient to restock the soleras. The grapes are healthy, and growers are crossing their fingers that it stays that way.

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