
Saturday 11 July 2015

Oloroso 18% Bodegas Dios Baco

Deepish old mahogany with reddy tints fading through yellow to a trace of green at the rim, legs.
Full and deep, rich and fragrant, American oak, walnut, traces raisin, orange marmalade peel and a hint of that bodega smell of old barrels full of Sherry. Harmonious, forthcoming and nicely balanced.
Full and textured. It is dry with those up front slightly austere oak and walnut notes balanced by a glyceric feel which rounds it off, then the complexity comes through with savoury nutty notes balanced by that hint of dried fruit. This is a very good Oloroso with terrific length.
This fine Oloroso has spent 18 years ageing through a solera bought by José Páez Morilla from Palomino and Vergara in 1992, It is remarkably old and remarkably good considering this is the firm's basic Oloroso. It would be a superb accompaniment to game or old cheeses.The lovely old bodega, built in 1848, is well worth a visit and is right in the centre of Jerez.
£20.45 from Spanish online deli This is twice the price in Spain, but the wine is probably worth it.

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