
Monday 13 July 2015

13.7.15 Jerez has new Gastronomic Ambassador

José Ferrer Morató has been appointed by the Consejo to ensure that the wines of Jerez are present in the wine lists and cellars of the top Spanish restaurants. He will particularly target Michelin starred restaurants and those with a Repsol sun as well as those which pay special attention to their wine list, have good cellars or organise food and wine events.

This is an entirely new job to the Sherry trade and José points out that he is neither an oenologist nor a sommelier, just a communicator and passionate Sherry lover. He is a journalist to trade, who writes frequently for the newspaper El Mundo.

Jose Ferrer (foto:elmundovino)

Sherry has raised its profile dramatically in recent times with festivals all over the world, but still does not appear enough on restaurant wine lists, where consumers can come into contact with it. “They are not easy wines to understand, neither red nor normal white, they work in a different way, but match perfectly the gastronomy of Spain. Sherry doesn’t just accompany food, it interacts with it, offering different sensations. It is not merely an aperitif or dessert wine. You can start the dish with one wine finish with another and the experience will be different, and it also has the advantage of keeping longer once opened.

José is no purist, however, and just wants people to drink Sherry, be it at a gourmet meal or as a “rebujito” (Fino with 7 Up) or Cream with ice and a slice of orange. Among his missions is to work personally with chefs, head waiters and sommeliers as well as anyone involved with wine lists with the aim of improving their knowledge and releasing the potential of Sherry. He will help with wine lists and improve communication between the restaurant and the bodega.

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