
Sunday 1 July 2012

News from Jerez 29.6.12

As was predicted, at a plenary session of the Consejo this morning Don Beltran Domecq Williams Gonzalez was elected as President, unopposed and unanimously. His apointment will be ratified by the Andalucian Ministry of Agriculture who will publish the relevant Bulletin, and will be made official at a plenary on 24th July according to a statement by Cesar Saldana, Director General of the Consejo. The current acting president Francisco Lorenzo said the new President's first job will be to develop balance and stability through the entire production chain. "We need to push quality in all aspects of the business and sell more and better and inspire all sectors. Don Beltran has formally accepted the post, which is good news for Sherry. He will help us to maintain prestige as he has a lifetime of Sherry knowledge and experience, and has recently published a book on the subject which clearly shows his devotion".

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