
Sunday 1 July 2012

News from Jerez 1.7.12

More on Beltran Domecq (b. 1946), new President of the CRDO Jerez, by his peers. He is diplomacy and gentlemanliness personified, a dandy of the wine world for which he was born, predestined for a career as a bodeguero and passionate about Sherry for which he professes a contagious devotion.

He hasn't a bad word for anyone, and no-one has one for him. Anyone who has had the privilege of attending a tasting given by him falls under his passionate spell of Sherry to which he refers as the "Mythical Wine". He speaks perfect English as his mother was English (a Wiliams from Williams & Humbert) and he is related also to the Gonzalez (Byass) family and of course Domecq. He is an enologist and a chemist and completed his academic education at courses in Bordeaux, Burgundy and Cognac. He began work at Williams & Humbert and later moved to Domecq, working in Sherry and brandy production along with commerce and PR.

The author of numerous articles and technical publications, not to mention his recent book "El Jerez y sus Misterios", he derived his passion from his legendary father Jose Ignacio Domecq, known affectionately in Jerez as "La Nariz" (the Nose - because of his brilliant tasting skills). He has travelled the wine world either learning about other wines or promoting Sherry. Sherry could have no better ambassador.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely right. He certainly is the best possible candidate. Very happy about this.

    Here is the man himself talking about the VOS and VORS (sorry it's in Spanish):
