
Wednesday 27 June 2012

News from Jerez 27.6.12

Some good news this time! The Consejo Regulador de Jerez may have found the ideal candidate for the post of President. It's not official, but almost certain that Beltran Domecq Williams Gonzalez will be the strongest - if not the only - candidate. With three such legendary bodega surnames he could only come from Jerez; he was brought up in bodegas, knows the business intimately and has the approval of Fedejerez (the sector organisation representing the bodegas). Further, he is an enologist and chemist, good at public relations and speaks languages. There is a great deal of consensus on his candidacy and he carries much respect.

Since the current acting president Francisco Lorenzo has withdrawn his application, the only possible competition would be if the growers organisation (Asevi-Asaja) decided against at a meeting today and put forward another candidate. They haven't ruled out that possibility and have someone in mind, someone who also knows the industry but who turned down the offer.

Major surprises excepted, there will be one candidate at the full meeting of the Consejo tomorrow, Beltran Domecq, who will be elected for just over two years to complete the current presidency. Fedejerez yesterday sang his praises but noted that even he can't produce miracles, alluding to the difficult times currently being suffered in Jerez. Let us hope that such an erudite and respected man who knows the Sherry trade inside out can make a difference.

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