
Friday 19 October 2018

Vermouth La Copa Blanco 15%, González Byass

Pale to mid bright golden straw with golden highlights.
Pronounced sweetish citric notes up front, mainly lemon and perhaps a hint of tangerine followed by the classic bitter herbal notes one expects in vermouth with suggestions of rosemary and thyme, and possibly gentian. The overall aroma is reasonably complex, lively, and inviting, and very fresh.
The story is much the same on the palate, starting fresh and citrussy then getting more bitter with the wormwood and green herbs, but that is balanced by a certain sweetness, (perhaps just a little too much if compared with French vermouth like Noilly Prat or Chambery) and a certain viscosity. Nonetheless, this mixes well with a good dry gin and is lovely on its own with ice and a slice of lime.
This vermouth is the comparatively recently (re) released white partner for the red La Copa. It is, of course, based on selected Fino in which is steeped a range of  secret botanicals which include wormwood,  savoury, cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and lemon and bitter orange peel. GB first made red and white vermouth back in 1896, and in those days vermouths were often called "Italian" ("I´ll have a gin and it") for sweet red, also used for example in a Manhattan, or "French" for fairly dry white vermouth used in cocktails like the Dry Martini or Gibson. This will be welcomed by the growing number of barmen making cocktails using Sherry as a base.
8.65, Licores Corredera

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