
Saturday 20 October 2018

20.10.18 Beltrán Domecq Joins Calls for Increase in Grape Price

The independent growers of the Marco de Jerez have long been calling for a fair price for their grapes, as the current 0.36€/kg, the cheapest in Spain, is completely unsustainable. Since no grower is making a profit there can be no investment in updating or maintaining machinery or replanting vineyards, save for replacing sick or dead vines. Furthermore the next generation sees no future in growing vines other than those for the table wine sector which is taking off, and at profitable prices but reducing the amount of grapes available for Sherry. According to the grower´s association Asevi-Asaja 0.45/kg (a 125% increase) is the mínimum price required or vineyards will simply be abandoned. Thankfully, the president of the Consejo Regulador, Beltrán Domecq shares this view saying that the grape price must increase and has called on growers, bodegas and cooperatives to work out a deal to establish reasonable prices and guarantee the future of the Marco de Jerez. Let us hope his words have the desired effect.

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