
Friday 14 September 2018

Atlántida 2014 13.5%, Compañía de Vinos del Atlántico

Bright deep blacky ruby red, still with some pink at the rim.
Very attractive with lots of perfectly ripe - but not overripe - fruit. There is a distinct and very slightly yeasty, almost creamy, aroma of sappy black cherry with a hint of loganberry backed up by restrained hints of toasty French oak. There is a faint balsamic hint which is all that gives away the heat of the vineyard - even the alcohol is restrained.
The almost crisp sappy black fruits predominate while gentle notes of oak and a certain minerality add complexity and freshness. The structure is medium with unaggressive tannins and perfect acidity giving very good, almost zippy balance and long tangy fruity finish. This wine is delicious and would repay keeping for up to five years.
The Compañía de Vinos del Atlántico produces and distributes fine quality wines all over Spain and Portugal, and also exports them. This is one of their best, made by Alberto Orte from 100% old vine Tintilla grapes grown organically on albariza soil in a single 1 hectare vineyard in the pago Balbaina. The bunches of grapes are harvested at night, by hand, and only 10% are de-stemmed. During fermentation there are two daily pump-overs and afterwards the wine is pressed and put into used 500 litre French oak barrels where it remains for a year, going through the malo-lactic and depositing sediment before being racked into used 225 litre barriques where it ages for 16 months before bottling. The result is superb and shows what a great grape the Tintilla is.
25 euros, Er Guerrita

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