
Thursday 13 September 2018

Amontillado Castillo de Guzmán 17.5%, Coop Albarizas Trebujena

Deep amber fading to light amber to gold at the rim with coppery glints.
Young with all the hallmarks of the fairly early stages of oxidation, still with fading hints of overripe apple plus lots of salted caramel and the toasted hazelnuts beginning to make an appearance. It is fresh and fairly soft and still without some of the complexity and sharp focus that will surely come, yet it is at a lovely stage where you can see tantalising glimpses of the future. 
Very round and smooth, soft and dry, the crisp nuttiness is still in its infancy and that slightly sharp "punzante" character is yet to evolve as it sheds puppy fat, but it is still a lovely glass of wine; easy (perhaps too easy) and satisfying. It has really good length too.
Made in Trebujena, in the production zone, and therefore not bearing the magic word "Sherry" on the label, this wine is made by the Albarizas Cooperative, and this is the first ever bottling of it (along with various other wines they make) to celebrate their 40th anniversary in 2017. It is a limited release and is a blend of wines selected from various butts. The coop sells nearly all its production to the big bodegas or local bars and restaurants, but has seen the possibilities of selling its own wine in bottle, and has opened a "despacho de vinos" or wine shop where one can buy bottles or bulk. As the wine is only 17.5% it is not too strong, and in fact that is pretty well the minimum one could expect it to be. All in all a charming and interesting wine of perhaps a bit more than 10 years of age for a bargain price - if you scale up the 50cl to 75 cl it would still only cost 7.30 euros.
4,90 per 50cl, Licores Corredera

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