
Tuesday 20 December 2016

Oloroso La Espuela 19%,José de Soto

Bright, fairly deep mahogany fading to amber at the rim, legs.
Open and generous with gentle texture and a variety of aromas including lots of walnut, oak, pipe tobacco, autumn leaves and traces of caramel and carpenter's workshop. There is a decent amount of complexity here for a wine of its price.
Mid to full bodied, dry and well rounded, classic Oloroso. There is a trace of volatile acidity which balances with a certain implied sweetness. Slight traces of cinnamon and orange work well with all those nuts and the result is a very easy going wine with real character.
This once great bodega, also known as Vinicola Soto, was established in 1771. It was taken over in 1989 by Nueva Rumasa and is now simply part of the Garvey complex, Complejo Bellavista, whose RE number appears on the label. The wine is produced at the Cerro Viejo winemaking complex out in the Macharnudo and is aged at Bellavista, and it represents excellent value for money. It comes from a solera established in 1870 and used to be sold at a greater age being labelled Oloroso Viejo. La Espuela translates as "the spur" and relates to the firm's trademark of a rider taking a glass of Sherry from a girl. The wine was bottled late 2013.
4.10 euros from Licores Corredera

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