
Wednesday 21 December 2016

21.12.16 Delgado Zuleta Release 2nd Saca of Entusiástico

Entusiástico is the first ever organic Manzanilla and has now spent three years under flor in its little solera in Sanlúcar consisting of butts previously used for Manzanilla La Goya. Both the wine and the fortifying alcohol are certified organic and the final product is bottled en rama. The grapes came from a one hectare plot in the Pago Burujena, owned and worked by Pepe Cabral, one of the founder members of Mostolé, a group of growers who produce small quantities of organic wine from their own vineyards.

According to José Federico Carvajal, commercial director of Delgado Zuleta, the wine is developing nicely and taking on some of the house style with more floral and yeasty notes yet retaining  a certain fruitiness as well, giving it freshness. The presentation has changed for this second saca with a new label illustrating a girl with flowers strolling in the countryside. Only 1,200 bottles have been released, so it will be hard to obtain, especially as DZ have received many pre-orders, but it can be purchased from the bodega and certain restaurants and shops in the Sanlúcar area.

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