
Sunday 4 December 2016

4.12.16 Results of the III Concurso de Mostos

Every year the wine producers of the Marco de Jerez enter their newly made wine into a blind tasting competition judged by the tasting panel of the Consejo Regulador. As the local saying goes: “Por San Andrés el mosto vino es” or by Saint Andrew’s day the must becomes wine. These are unfortified table wines, 100% Palomino. There are two categories: the bigger producers and the artisan producers, and three prizes are awarded to each. The names of non-winners are not announced. This year’s results were:

In the category of bigger producers:
First: González Byass (Jerez)
Second: Cooperativa Católica Agrícola (Chipiona)
Third: Covisan (Sanlúcar)

In the category of artisan producers:
First: Viñas “El Vínculo” – Ángel Gonzalo
Second: Viñas “Zorreños” – Rafael Rodríguez
Third: La Fama – Francisco Barba Lagomazzimi

A public tasting was held yesterday at the Atalaya accompanied by zambombas, and people could vote for their favourite and enter a draw for a copy of the Gran Libro de los Vinos de Jerez. The red flag will now be flying at the doors of many a bar where mosto is available. It is delicious!

The Consejo tasting room with mostos ready for examination

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