
Saturday 3 December 2016

3.12.16 Domecq Brand Purchase Welcomed; Winners of I Premios Solera

Yesterday’s news that Emperador and González Byass had bought the Domecq brand names has been welcomed in Jerez. Both the Consejo Regulador and Fedejerez have expressed their delight that these iconic brand names will return to Jerez from the hands of a French multinational which under-valued them. This patrimony will once more form an active part of the Sherry business. It remains to be seen what will happen, however, as so many Domecq brands were sold off.

La Ina among others is now Lustau

The Consejo’s bodega San Ginés was the scene for the I Premios Solera awards ceremony. Awards are given to those in the province who have demonstrated outstanding promotion, knowledge and good work with the wines of the province over the past year. The competition was the brainchild of Pepe Monforte of the gourmet website Cosas de Comé with collaboration from publishers Grupo Joly, the Consejo Regulador and the tourism department of the Junta. There was a judging panel of 55 experts.

A toast for the winners of the I Premios Solera (foto:diariojerez)

The four winners were Fernando Córdoba of the restaurant El Faro de el Puerto in El Puerto de Santa María for his outstanding wine list; the restaurant Aponiente again in El Puerto, for the cooking skills of its proprietor Ángel León and passion for wine of sommelier Juan Ruiz Henestrosa; Armando Guerra for the best taberna, Er Guerrita in Sanlúcar, with its wine shop and tasting room, and finally Magerit in Cádiz for best wine shop and wine classes. 

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