
Monday 14 November 2016

Manzanilla La Montería 15%, Bodegas Yuste

Bright, fairly pale lemony strawy gold, light legs.
Quite attractive with distinct yeasty saline notes balanced with floral ones like camomile. There is still a trace of fruit which is slightly outweighed by seaside aromas, but it all comes together nicely.
Not short of flavour for its age, there are various touches of yeast, bitter almond and salinity which lasts for ages and offers a hint of floral complexity and an attractive zippy freshness (bottled April 2016). Good value for money.
This might be the youngest Manzanilla in the Yuste range at around 4 years old and behind Aurora and La Kika, but it has character. The name "Monteria" means "hunting" and it is just possible that the wine might originate from a solera of the same name which used to belong to the now lost bodega Manuel Garcia Monge, who latterly occupied the bodega now used by La Guita in Calle Misericordia. It used to be sold as a Manzanilla Pasada, but this wine is obviously younger, so maybe Yuste simply owns the brand name. Certainly the labels are completely different. I'll be looking into it. My bottle had a screw cap unlike the stopper cork illustrated, not that it matters.
About 6 euros from Licores Corredera

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