
Sunday 13 November 2016

13.11.16 Consejo Worries about Trump Victory

While there is naturally worry and uncertainty after Donald Trump’s election victory, the Consejo sees no particular reason for it to affect sales of Sherry in the US, which have been growing steadily. The US is a wine market with great potential being the largest in the world, but what does worry the Consejo is Trump’s protectionist attitude to foreign trade and in particular to the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations, which have involved a great deal of work and which may be cancelled.

Included in these negotiations is the protection of many European denominations of origin such as Sherry, which have been falsely used in the US for domestic products for over a century. There was no absolute guarantee that such protection would have come about through TTIP, but it is felt that a window of opportunity might well now close.

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