
Tuesday 20 September 2016

Royal Cream 17.5%, Marqués del Real Tesoro

Deep amber, mahogany with coppery highlights and fairly slow legs.
Quite a lot of PX on the nose with soft raisins soaked in brandy, traces of turrón and caramel with hints of walnut from the Oloroso. It is a soft, easy-going nose yet has depth.
Sweet and rich, again plenty of PX and theraisiny texture it brings, soft and smooth with a gentle Oloroso backbone, hints of vanilla, orange and walnut and good length.
A classic standard Cream Sherry from Grupo Estévez. It is decent quality, and is probably the fairly normal blend of around 75% Oloroso and 25% Pedro Ximénez. The old firm of Marqués del Real Tesoro was bought by José Estévez and installed at his purpose built bodega complex which also houses the Tio Mateo solera and Valdespino.
5.80 euros from El Rimero, Fuengirola

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