
Wednesday 21 September 2016

21.9.16 La Tapería Fundador; Fedejerez Responds to Unions

Bodegas Fundador has remodelled one of its bodegas as a gastronomic space, which opens today, with public access from Calle San Ildefonso. An inauguration event was held there yesterday, led by the bodega’s managing director Rafael Rendón and attended by Consejo director César Saldaña, president Beltrán Domecq and Brandy president Evaristo Babé. The tapería offers a wide range of tapas and menus matched to the firm’s Sherries and brandies; Harveys, Terry and Fundador, as well as an exciting range of cocktails. Fundador wants to promote the growing trend of accompanying food with brandy and prove that it is as versatile as Sherry, and they hope to attract the younger generation. This is only one of many innovations Fundador is working on in connection with wine tourism.

Fedejerez, the association of bodegas, has spoken out regarding the XXV Convenio de la Vid negotiations. They say they are quite open for discussion but that the unions have “distorted and manipulated” their proposals in the information given to the workforce and to the public. According to Fedejerez, far from suppressing length of service bonuses, they intend to consolidate them. They also dispute the union’s figures on part time workers, saying that over 80% of days worked were worked by people on fixed or stable contracts, and say that any part time work will be offered to those who have worked there at least 60 days in the past 2 years. Fedejerez denies wanting to reduce salaries for newly contracted staff but they will naturally be lower than those for experienced staff. No salary reduction will apply to part time staff. Work days and hours will be maintained and the bodegas will not impose working on weekends and holidays, furthermore they deny that they want to abolish leave for childbirth, deaths in the family, medical reasons etc. when in fact they have more generous proposals.

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