
Monday 6 June 2016

Oloroso Fenicio 20% Infantes de Orleans Borbón


fairly deep mahogany with bright copper highlights and perhaps a trace of green at the rim, legs.

Full, forthcoming and full of nuts: toasted almonds, hazelnuts and chestnuts with an attractive tangy glyceric sweetness, a hint of caramel and real charm with traces of toast, American oak and the slightest Sanlucar bite. A complete and sophisticated nose which really draws you in.
Delicious from the start, this is what Oloroso is all about with oak, nuts and a delightful balance between savory, implicit sweetness and gentle phenolics. There is a slight tannic feel, and the wine suggests greater age than it actually has. Dry but well balanced with lots of flavour and length and a slightly salty tang at the end..
This is an excellent Oloroso aged for 15 years in the heart of Sanlucar. It really embodies the meaning of the word "Oloroso" (fragrant). Infantes de Orleans Borbon is owned and run by Barbadillo, so you know the wine will be good. Fenicio means "Phoenician" and is perhaps a reference to Sherry's origins. Well worth seeking out.
20 euros from Er Guerrita, Sanlucar

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