
Sunday 5 June 2016

5.6.16 Mildew Attacks Sherry Vineyards

With only two months till the harvest, many Sherry vineyards are suffering an attack of Mildew, a fungal infection which looks like white dust on the vines. The results can be serious and reduce the potential crop. Mildew is one of the most common fungi to affect vines and is traditionally treated with sulphur, but despite some preventive treatment, this seems to be having little effect.

The phytosanitary information network of Andalucía first spotted the problem on 22 May and alerted growers. Recent weather conditions are behind the problem, which is worst in the vineyards near the coast where there is more humidity, as heavy rainfall during May was followed by hot weather which produced high relative humidity, ideal conditions for Mildew to spread. The weather forecasters think that this summer will be “normal” without the heatwaves experienced last July.

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