
Tuesday 1 March 2016

Vino en rama Monge 15%, Bodegas RF Cárdenas

Some depth of colour, bright straw with golden tints, very light legs.
Big fresh and soft, flor noticeable but fairly muted, fresh bread dough, a trace of salinity and a slight hint of wax reminded me slightly of Montilla, but actually it is a really good Sherry.
Full forthcoming and dry, some breadth, low acid but some bitterness from the flor sorts out the balance, very tasty with traces of straw, almond and bread dough, long clean finish.
Launched at the end of October 2015 this is an extremely creditable wine and the only one sold in bottle by this family bodegón in El Puerto. Grapes come from family owned vineyard. Although it is made by the standard system of criaderas and soleras within the zona de crianza, they felt that given the limited quantities available it was not worth while, at least at this stage, to join the DO. Because of that they sell it as "Vino" en rama. Sealed with a standard "T" cork and wax with an Andalusian flag tassel in a sand blasted bottle. I really recommend this wine.
About 7 euros, but only available locally unfortunately.

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