
Wednesday 2 March 2016

2.3.26 The “Emperor “of Brandy Takes Possession of Domecq

The old Domecq installations are facing the dawn of a new era. Andrew Tan arrived in Jerez yesterday with the contract and took possession of his new purchase from Beam Suntory. Grupo Emperador is the world’s biggest brandy producer with sales of some 33 million cases. It has bought the old Domecq bodegas, the Viña el Majuelo with its tower in the Pago Macharnudo, the brands Fundador, Tres Cepas, Harveys and Terry as well as the distillery in Tomelloso.

The Emperor, Andrew L Tan (foto:diariojerez)

The Filipino magnate wants to bring back the glory, success and positioning of Fundador and make it into a globally recognised brand. He will call the company Bodegas Fundador, but will not be overlooking the other brands such as world leader Harveys Bristol Cream, Terry Centenario, the leading brandy in Spain and Tres Cepas which has potential in emerging markets. He said he wants to make the product even better which will need investment but he is committed to this and also to look at ways to revive the fortunes of Sherry. “I believe in the future of Sherry and Brandy de Jerez”.

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