
Friday 24 May 2013

24.5.13 Feria de la Manzanilla; Sanlucar and World Sherry Day; Jerez Carousel

Preparations for the Feria de la Manzanilla in Sanlucar are nearing completion. The fair starts on Tuesday evening at the Calzada de la Duquesa. There will be illuminated porticos in th Bajo de Guia and Las Piletas, avenues which lead to the fairground. Tuesday morning will see the inspection of all installations by the fire brigade and public health. Special bus services are also organised.

The Councillor for Tourism in Sanlucar, Antonio Reyes, has announced the town’s plans for the celebration of World Sherry Day. Over the next month, many bodegas will host doors open days, tastings and visits. Reyes said that really, Sanlucar has reason to celebrate 365 days a year, given the “natural and permanent theme park of wine and gastronomy” which attracts ever growing numbers of visitors. The town tourism department will organise vineyard visits, historical tours, visits to the Wine Interpretation Centre, all sorts of guided visits, even activities on the Guadalquivir, the common thread of all of which, is Manzanilla. Manzanilla Day is the 26th June. More information at

The vintage carousel, long a summer attraction in the Plaza Arenal in Jerez will open from tomorrow till the middle of November. For the first day, a kilo of food will be donated to Caritas for every ride taken. The food will go to the Salvador dining room, which provides food for the most needy.

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