
Wednesday 22 May 2013

22.5.13 More on World Sherry Day

The Consejo tasting will ltaste the best wines made from musts trodden at the Fiesta de la Vendimia from 1948 to 1989. There are expected to be some surprises here. The wines have been aged in the Consejo’s own bodega, San Gines, oxidatively and as anadas , that is they are still vintage wines, never having been in a solera system. They consist of Palos Cortados and Olorosos.

There will be other features, too. Maridajes (wine and food matching), a live demonstration of vine grafting, talks on bodega architecture, kinds of ageing and conservation, the Copa de Jerez competition, the history of wine tourism, the language of the chalk markings on butts,  Sherry and health, the venencia (cup with long hooked handle for getting wine out of the barrel), and more.

At 12.30 (GMT+1) the Consejo plays host to a seminar by the Enologists Association of Andalucia on “Sherry and the Phonecean  legacy in the Atlabtic” presented by the historian Esperanza Serra. After this there will be a tasting, open to the public, given by Williams & Humbert enologist Paola Medina.

The mayoress of Jerez, Maria Jose Garcia Pelayo said she was proud of what had been achieved for this the first World Sherry Day, and in only a couple of months. Next year, with much more time available, the event will be even better. She noted that the event’s founders, Wolfgang Hess, a German Sherry Educator, and Chelsea Anthon, and Australian with Spanish origins, prove the value of the Sherry Educators system. There are now over 500 worldwide.

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