
Monday 1 April 2019

Manzanilla Pasada Solear en rama 15% Invierno 2017, Barbadillo (Retaste)

Bright amber tinged gold, a fraction deeper than a year ago, golden highlights.
Forthcoming and complex with just the very faintest hint of oxidation which blends in perfectly with the autolytic notes from the cabezuela and there is a little less bitter almondy flor bite but plenty of yeastiness. The wine is full and rich and further integrated, smooth and harmonious and more complex still.
Again super smooth with even a fleeting trace of an almost honeyed sweetness but that soon passes as the acidity asserts itself - gently, but enough to carry through all that flavour and provide impeccable balance. There are notes of bread dough, almond, olive brine and esparto but they are harder to distinguish now than they were a year ago, though they are still there, all playing a role in the wine´s impressive complexity and length.
There are pretty obvious differences between this bottle and the one tasted a year ago. It is now much rounder and smoother with less acidic bite and bitter flor but more depth and complexity revealing how well it ages. In fact it is in perfect health and will go on for years a few more years yet. The wine now has about 8 years in solera and around 14 months in bottle.
14.30 per half bottle, Licores Corredera

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