
Thursday 18 April 2019

Manzanilla Arboledilla Poniente saca 2019 15%, Barbadillo

Bright clean gold with golden highlights.
Fresh and fairly saline, just a shade fuller than the Levante with a trace of straw amongst the herbs, which include a note of camomile, bread dough, olive brine and  faint trace of glace lemon and a very slightly more mature note. Again the flor is not overly bitter, and there is less of a apple note. For some reason the Poniente seems to open out a little less in the glass but it is not short of aroma.
Very slightly fuller than the Levante with perhaps a faintly more mineral note and the acidity seems slightly lower while the herbaceousness and bread dough remain roughly constant. It feels slightly tighter, more disciplined perhaps than the Levante and has just a shade more flor bitterness.
These two Manzanillas, the Poniente and Levante are drawn from the same Solear solera at between 4 and 5 years old (Solear is 6) and the only difference between them is that they were stored at other sides of the Arboledilla bodega. It is interesting how there are very subtle yet noticeable differences caused by the environment in which the wines matured. The Levante (east) side of the bodega has smaller windows and is shaded by trees making it a little cooler than the Poniente (west) side. The two wines are sold together so one can make comparisons
12.50 euros

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