
Friday 1 March 2019

1.3.19 Sherry Scores Well at VinEspaña

In the II edition of VinEspaña, a competition organised by the Spanish Federation of Associations of oenologists, Sherry has scooped no fewer than 6 of the 14 (40%) top awards, the Gran Oros. The judging took place at Enomaq, the annual trade fair for wine related machinery in Zaragoza (the first event took place at the Alcázar in Jerez last year). The Gran Oro is awarded to wines scoring over 92 points and the judging panel consists of oenologists, specialised journalists and qualified professionals. Other wines from Cádiz also scored well, and here are the results:

 Gran Oro
Palo Cortado 1750, Fernández-Gao
Palo Cortado Leonor, González Byass
Palo Cortado de la Cruz de 1767, Bodegas Arfe
Amontillado NPU, Sánchez Romate
Pedro Ximénez Noé, González Byass
Moscatel de Pasas Madroñales, Coop Católico-Agrícola, Chipiona

Oro Vinos Tintos
Finca Moncloa, González Byass

Oro Generosos y Uva Sobremadura
Fino Tio Pepe, González Byass
Palo Cortado Regente, Sánchez Romate

Plata Vinos Blancos
Blanco de Blancos, Barbadillo

Plata Vinos Tintos
Tinto Roble 6 Meses, Cortijo de Jara
Tinto Bétanu, Bodegas Ibargüen

Plata Generosos, Espumosos, Uva Sobremadura
Manzanilla Pasada en rama Pastora, Barbadillo
Oloroso Don José, Sánchez Romate
Talayón Brut, Bodegas Miguel Domecq

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