
Tuesday 5 February 2019

Rosado 2017 14.5%, Huerta de Albalá

Bright mid onion skin pink with a light orange tinge and polished copper highlights.
Fresh and quite intense with an appealing degree of seriousness with lots of tangy yet soft plum and mulberry fruit and faint traces of guava and glacé cherry. Interesting aromas, and you can see and smell that there is a gentle texture and just a little maturity, so it looks to be at its best.
Fairly full with assertive fruit yet soft at the same time and perfectly balanced. There is only a trace of that faint smokiness one often finds in Syrah but it really adds something to the whole. The wine has a lovely texture born of just the right degree of skin contact and has a long clean finish.
This excellent wine is made from 100% Syrah grapes grown at the Huerta de Albalá near Arcos. It is  the selección or better version of the Barbazul Rosado which itself is very good, but this is a little fuller and deeper thanks to the longer skin contact yet without losing sight of what a good rosado should be, and a good year in bottle has helped round it off. Sealed with a Diam cork.
19.50, Licores Corredera

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