
Wednesday 27 February 2019

Amontillado 17%, Bodegas Sánchez Romate

Light mahogany fading to amber with coppery highlights.
Forthcoming and generous with lots of almonds and hazelnuts, hints of oak and toasted bread, appley caramelly oxidation and a faint raisin note giving a very light trace of sweetness. Clean soft and smooth, it is quite young and not particularly complex but certainly doesn´t lack character or quality.
Medium in weight and basically dry but with a slight hint of sweetness which is more than just glycerine since there is that trace of PX which makes it beautifully rounded and smooth. It is not medium but rather just off-dry and has a long dry nutty finish.
This is a charming and easy-drinking every day Amontillado from the bodega´s standard range, with approximately 3 years crianza biológica followed by a second fortification and a further 5 years plus of oxidative ageing. It is comparatively young but none the worse for that. It was bottled a year ago and would make the perfect wine to introduce someone to the delights of Amontillado - and is a steal at the price.
5.95, Licores Corredera

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