
Wednesday 13 February 2019

13.2.19 Manzanilla Promotion Centre for Sanlúcar

A meeting has taken place in Sanlúcar between the mayor, Víctor Mora, provincial member of parliament Jaime Armario and members of the Mesa de la Manzanilla, which represents the town´s bodegas, to discuss the progress of work to convert the town´s XV century Las Covachas vaults into an information and promotion centre for Manzanilla. The plan, the agreement for which was signed last June, and which has funding to the tune of 250,000 euros, is to make this space behind the old gothic arches into a central base for the Manzanilla Foundation where tastings and exhibitions can take place and which can be used by the various bodegas to promote this outstanding wine as well as highlight its intimate relationship with the town and become an essential visit for locals and visitors alike. The Covachas are located centrally adjacent to the newly refurbished market in the Barrio Bajo beneath the palace of Medina Sidonia which is on the edge of the Barrio Alto and constitute a listed monument. The mayor feels it is important to carry out the works in consultation with the bodegas as it is they who know about the wine and how to protect and promote it. 

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