
Sunday 13 January 2019

Manzanilla La Cigarrera 15%, Bodegas La Cigarrera

Bright, pale gold with golden highlights.
Super fresh and light with traces of fresh herbs and camomile flower in a wild meadow with a trace of esparto. There is a notable saline brininess along with a lovely bready yeastiness which is not overly bitter giving it an overall charm and subtle complexity, most attractive and opens out for ages.
Very dry and fresh, and quite light, it is a comparatively young wine and thus has few if any cabezuela notes, but what it does have is  that fresh tangy grip which makes it perfect for the classic food of Sanlúcar, indeed it makes one salivate. Delicious and dangerously drinkable.
Founded in 1758 in buildings formerly belonging to the Mercedarian monks and still in family hands this charming, slightly hidden bodega, formerly almacenistas, produces classic Manzanilla which represents 90% of its production. It also has a very good restaurant in the patio. A cigarrera is a woman who works in a tobacco factory like Bizet´s Carmen or sells cigarettes and cigars. The firm has no vineyard of its own and buys in local mosto which runs through 7 criaderas and a solera before emerging at somewhere over 4 years old. It was once sold as a Manzanilla Pasada, as were many, and occasionally one can obtain some, but rarely. This wine was bottled in Autumn 2018.
6.75 De Albariza

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