
Wednesday 2 January 2019

Brandy BB Solera 36%, Bodegas Barbadillo

Amber going towards mahogany with golden and copper highlights.
Quite young but not lacking in aroma and the smell of young spirit balances well with Oloroso which is not over intense. There are traces of vanilla, raisin and caramel and faint ones of American oak, and it has a youthful and fairly lively character which might well appeal to younger folk for cocktails.
It starts fairly crisp then soon opens out quite generously into a smooth classic Brandy de Jerez style but tight and fresh. There is a certain complexity too, with toasted nuts, Oloroso, raisin, caramel and hints of wood and brown sugar all combining to form a very decent whole with good length.
This is Barbadillo´s entry level Brandy solera, but it is pretty sound stuff. It is a blend of column and pot still spirits with more than half being distilled at low strength for flavour. The blend is aged in butts well seasoned with Oloroso in solera, emerging a year later for bottling. The sugar content is about 15 g/l. some of which comes from a tiny quantity of added PX but the spirit doesn´t appear particularly sweet. All the writing on the lower part of the bottle  is marketing stuff to make it appeal to the youth of today, eg. "Seductive and Rebellious", and tasting notes.
6.90 ex bodega

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