
Friday 25 January 2019

25.1.19 New EU Legislation to Simplify Changes to DO Rules

On Monday a new European Union mechanism to facilitate and simplify changes to the regulations governing Denominaciones de Origen under the Treaty of Lisbon came into force. The Reglamento Delegado UE 2019/33 and the corresponding Reglamento de Ejecución UE 2019/34 (as they are known in Spanish) regulate the procedures connected to DOP and IGP wines, such as registration, opposition, modification and cancellation, in terms of their traditional mentions as well as certain dispositions concerning presentation and labelling.

These regulations substitute those of the European Commission which has up till now regulated these dispositions, most of which have been protected. The great advantage of these newly approved and published regulations is that they establish a new mechanism for the modification of the regulations governing each DO which will speed up, modernise and shorten the process and give more decision-making power to individual member states.

The organisation which represents the Spanish DOs, the Conferencia Española de Consejos Reguladores Vitivinícolas (CECRV) and the European Federation of Origin Wines (EFOW) which represents European DOs at the EU, have been closely following the process of developing the new regulations and the CECRV is very pleased with the result since it allows DOs to adapt more rapidly to the needs of the markets, both national and international and better respond to environmental and other challenges. All this will hopefully be of great help to the Consejo Regulador in Jerez as it considers important changes to the DO to include white table wines and the amalgamation of the Zona de Producción with the Zona de Crianza.

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