
Saturday 24 November 2018

24.11.18 The Junta Opens the Way for Non Fortified Sherry

The incorporation of non fortified wines into the DOs of Sherry and Manzanilla is getting closer as the Junta´s agriculture department plans to publish the proposal for public view for a period of two months, a necessary step before its submission to Brussels. In fact the idea of including wines which reach the required strength without fortification: Fino, Manzanilla, Amontillado, Palo Cortado and Oloroso, was approved by the Consejo back in February 2017, and the Junta had no objection. In fact there is general agreement on the plan, so there shouldn´t be any problems, but it has taken its time as the Junta needed to clarify whether modifications were required to the regulations themselves or just the ground rules, and it was decided to apply for modification of the regulations as required. 

Sunning the grapes obviates the need for fortification and was once widely practised (foto:diariodejerez)

 This change has nothing to do with the recent wave of new white table wines, made using traditional techniques and grape varieties and focusing on the soil, being incorporated into the DO. This matter is part of the remit of the commission appointed by the Consejo which is also looking at matters like extending the ageing zone, Fino from Sanlúcar and sales of wine in bulk. It does however, help to smooth the path for these wines – as distinct from the Vinos de la Tierra de Cádiz – though some change would need to be made to eliminate the two year mínimum ageing requirement which applies to Sherries.

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