
Wednesday 25 July 2018

25.7.18 More News on the Harvest

Growers are beginning to worry about the lack of the Levante wind. Nobody likes it as it is very hot and dry, but it is just what is needed to dry out the vineyards. Yesterday the Consejo Regulador issued a forecast predicting a possible crop increase of 10% over last year which could amount to 82.5 million kilos and be considerably above the average of 70 million kilos over the last decade. This would suit the growers, who are paid by the kilo, but only if they don’t lose their crop to rot.

(foto:Vanesa Lobo/Diario Jerez)

Curent conditions of excess humidity and lack of Levante create the perfect recipe for the spread of cryptogamic problems such as mildew, oidium and botrytis which are already in evidence in the coastal vineyards. The mild temperatures and overnight dewfall are not helping and the harvest is behind the average by 15 – 20 days and ripening unevenly, while the meteorologists are forecasting more of the same. It is not only Palomino which is affected, of course, but also all the table wine grapes, PX and Moscatel. The situation is tense, and though the alarm bells are not ringing quite yet, everybody is anxiously waiting to see what happens.

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