
Wednesday 27 June 2018

27.6.18 New Fundación de la Manzanilla Established

The city council building of Sanlúcar, formerly the Orleans Borbón palace, was the scene yesterday of the act of constitution of the Fundación Manzanilla de Sanlúcar de Barrameda and the signing of a collaboration agreement with the council. Representatives of all the bodegas and cooperatives were present, along with Consejo president Beltrán Domecq, Sanlúcar mayor, Víctor Mora and José Manuel Miranda of the Junta de Andalucía. Claudio Araño, commercial director of Barbadillo, is the president of the newly formed foundation. It aims to bring all parties together to promote every aspect of Manzanilla, while the agreement with the council provides a place to do it: Las Covachas which will be the new centre for interpretation of Manzanilla. The date is significant as 26th June is El Día de la Manzanilla, the date the European Union recognised that Manzanilla can only be produced in Sanlúcar.

Las Covachas, which are a national historic monument, are near the foot of the Cuesta de Belén, a steep street which runs from the Barrio Bajo to the Barrio Alto. They were built in the late XV century by the Duke of Medina Sidonia, whose palace sits right above them, and they were once shops. The market which was built next to them in the XVIII century has just been totally restored and reopened. The Orleans Borbón Palace where yesterday's events took place is at the top of this hill.

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