
Sunday 13 May 2018

Tio Pepe en rama 2018 15%, González Byass

Bright lemony gold with a faint tinge of polished brass.
Fresh and fragrant and while the acetaldehyde is fairly restrained there is a slightly humid character from the flor and distinct hints of yeast and sourdough along with faint floral and olive brine notes. It is very different from last year's release with less of that up front bitterness and the wine itself shines through. It has a lovely balance of freshness and seriousness.
All that said, it is quite full and a little more serious on the palate. There is a little more of that lovely flor bitterness and a trace of salinity along with a gentle texture. It has great depth and some attractive subtleties from the cabezuela adding considerable complexity to a long very clean finish.
This is the 9th edition of the Tio Pepe en rama, released annually in spring. Master blender and oenologist Antonio Flores begins the process in mid October of assessing and selecting some 100 butts from the foundational Rebollo solera and that in the bodega La Constancia (which are both refreshed with mostos from the Macharnudo). He then re-assesses them in spring, finally selecting about 60 from which to make his blend. This year he selected 62. After a cold dry winter the flor was in good shape and a wet March helped too. This year for the first time the firm filled 1,000 magnums - which would be well worth getting hold of to lay down for up to 5 years, say - and enough half bottles for use at the firm's caseta at the Feria del Caballo in Jerez, along with 18,000 standard bottles. This year's slogan for the wine is "armonía perfecta"
16.40, Licores Corredera

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