
Friday 23 March 2018

23.3.18 Anthology of Sherry Stories Published.

A new book has just been published titled “Si mil hijos tuviera” (If I had a thousand sons) which is an anthology of stories and anecdotes about the world of Sherry, memories and historical texts written by fifteen authors closely related to it. The presentation took place yesterday evening at the Museo del Enganche (carriage Museum), a former bodega building next to the Spanish Riding School in Jerez, sponsored by Banca March and the Consejo Regulador followed, naturally, by a glass of Sherry.

The authors, whose names read like a who’s who of Sherry, are: Antonio Díez Romero-Valdespino, Lorenzo Díez Romero-Valdespino, Beltrán Domecq Williams, Maribel Estévez Puerto, Paula Fernández de Bobadilla González, Begoña García González-Gordon, Rafael García de Angulo de la Calle, Enrique García-Maíquez, Bibiana González-Gordon López de Carrizosa, Guadalupe Grosso Romero, Nhean Haynes Domecq, Javier Hidalgo de Argüeso, Carmen Oteo Barranco, Fatima Ruiz de Lassaletta and Myriam Soto Díez. The foreword of the book was written by the famous wine critic, producer and author, Victor de la Serna, while the title refers to a wonderful heartfelt soliloquy recommending Sherry (or “sack as it was known in England then) by Falstaff in Shakespeare’s play Henry IV. Illustrations are by Ximena Maier.

Since 2014 the authors have been getting together twice a year to celebrate all things Sherry, and so the “Brotherhood of the Sons of Falstaff” was born and the idea for the book came about. The brotherhood has a website: in which the statutes are listed, and membership is restricted to one thousand. The name of the brotherhood came from an article by Enrique García-Maíquez.

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