
Sunday 18 February 2018

Amontillado 17.5%, Elías González

Bright chestnut to amber with copper glints.
Attractive almondy nuttiness and comparatively youthful oxidation with slightly savoury and saline notes. There are hints of almond cooked in caramel (garrapiñada) and toasted egg yolk turrón. along with faint hints of oak. Quite young but none the worse for that.
Faint elements of dried fruit join all that savoury oily nuttiness. The wine is dry, tangy and fairly light  with an appealing salty hint and  generous follow through with a good long clean finish.
The bodega, which is also an almacenista (they supply Lustau), only bottles Manzanilla and the other wines are only sold on draught (en granel). It is a shame as they are good, but without a label they can't really get the promotion they deserve.
7 euros per litre, draught ex bodega

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