
Monday 1 January 2018

Manzanilla 15%, Covisan

Bright pale golden straw with golden highlights.
Fresh and attractive with lots of gentle strawy grassy herbiness and a note of camomile - even a faint trace of lemon peel - up front followed by some sourdough then some salty olive brine. This is not a particularly old wine, and while there are some light flor notes they are not especially pronounced.
Broadly similar on the palate and there is a certain zestiness helped by a yeasty saline minerality. The faintest oxidative note is there, giving a very gentle savoury character, and there is a certain flor bitterness. There can be no doubt that this comes from coastal vineyards.
This wine, which has a lot of character for the money, comes from the well-equipped Cooperativa del Campo Vitivinicola Sanluqueña or Covisan, which is next door to La Guita's installations at the Pago de Sanlúcar Viejo in the Barrio Alto. The cooperative, which was established in 1968, supplies some of La Guita's grape requirements, and of its own production, over 80% is Manzanilla. Most of this is sold on draught to people bringing their own containers, but they also bottle some.
2 euros per half bottle ex bodega

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