
Saturday 6 January 2018

Brandy Solera Reserva 36%, Sánchez Romate

Deep mahogany with copper highlights and a trace of green on an amber rim.
Full with plenty of Oloroso and vanilla with a hint of dried fruit and faint traces of cinnamon, orange peel and oak. There is an element of class with delicate hints of polished furniture and there is an attractive freshness.
Oloroso and caramel at the start then those warm spices and a trace of pipe tobacco follow through. It has a lot of flavour and a hint of sweetness which is quite tightly packed without any aggressive tannins and it has a long clean finish.
Sánchez Romate are the producers of one of the finest Jerez Brandies, Cardenal Mendoza, so even with their more basic Solera Reserva they don't mess about. It has an average age of about two and a half years. The minimum age for a Solera reserva is one year and that for Solera Gran Reserva is three, so this is upmarket for a Solera Reserva. It is aged in  a solera whose butts previously held Oloroso and is very good value. 
9.95 euros, Licorería La Latina

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