
Tuesday 9 January 2018

9.1.18 Sherry Marathon 2018

After the success of last year’s inaugural marathon, which attracted no fewer than 600 entrants, the 2018 edition will take place on 29th April. The event covers two stages; one in the historic city of Jerez and the other in the surrounding vineyards, and is open to anyone, with inscriptions open now. Runners will begin outside the Alcázar in Jerez, run through the city’s historic centre and then out through the vineyards and back to the finish line at the Alameda Vieja, close to the start line. In fact there are three events; the Sherry Marathon proper at 42 kilometres, the 22km Sherry Media run, and the 13 km Sherry Promo run, the latter two being through the vineyards only. There will also be a version for ramblers who can take their time and stop for a glass and a bite at the various “refuelling” points along the course run by the leading bodegas. There will also be a huge number of parallel events, so it is well worth coming even if you are not a runner. For full information: and here is a promotional video:

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