
Wednesday 31 January 2018

31.1.18 Consejo Meeting Fails to Solve Issues

Hopes of a solution being hammered out to the vexed questions of extending the crianza zone to include the whole of the production zone and whether or not Sanlúcar can produce Fino were effectively sidestepped at yesterday’s plenary meeting at the Consejo Regulador. In the end the expected intense and heated debate was avoided, and it was decided to set up a commission representing all points of view to examine these contentious issues – along with that of Bag in Box – and hopefully the commission’s findings will be accepted by all parties and the regulationscan be adjusted accordingly and peacefully. It has to be said that an earlier commission was unable to reach a conclusion, so let us hope that the new one can. Procrastination does not make problems disappear, but rather makes them harder.

Consejo director Cesar saldana was interviewed on TV

The sales figures for 2017 were also covered, and they were down in terms of volume by 5% - less than previous years - due to a decline in exports, mainly in the cut price BOB market, mainly in Holland and Germany, and a slightly over 1% drop in the home market. Luckily sales of quality wines are increasing and a new younger consumer is emerging. Meanwhile sales of Jerez Vinegar are up 3.7% and producers are worried there will not be enough raw material, and prices may have to rise.

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