
Tuesday 23 January 2018

23/1/18 Sherry is Becoming Fashionable in Britain Again

It looks as if 2018 will be the year Sherry will take off again in the UK if distributors’ sales and the amount of press coverage are any indication. Specialist retailers have seen considerable growth and Majestic, the largest with 200 stores, has seen sales grow 25%. Customers are younger, between 20 and 30, and hopefully the notion of “a granny wine” will finally disappear as these new consumers are buying the dry styles, mainly Fino, Manzanilla, Amontillado and Palo Cortado. This new interest in Sherry is put down mostly to the explosion of Sherry bars and tapas bars. Sales of the better quality wines are growing fastest and in the £10-15 range sales at Majestic are up 71%. It is gratifying to see, but while about 10 million litres were sold in the UK last year, in 2005 it was 22 million, so there is still much work to be done.

London's Bar Pepito (foto:pinterest)

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