
Wednesday 6 December 2017

Entusiastico 2010 11.5%, Pepe Cabral

Pale gold with golden highlights.
Forthcoming, ripe and mature yet very fresh with stewed apple and lactic custard notes, straw, a certain soft minerality and very slight bottle age notes. It is very attractive with a hint of sweetness from ripeness and maturity rather than sugar.
Fresh, dry and clean with the right level of acidity, though a little softer than it was. Lots of fresh and stewed apple along with hints of ripe buttery pineapple and the faintest oxidative note with a certain roundness from maturity. Good length. This wine is in superb condition for its seven years.
Made from 100% Palomino grapes grown organically in Pepe Cabral's Viña Entusiasmo in Trebujena. This is the first Andaluz wine certified suitable for vegans. The wine's name might seem familiar, and not without reason; Pepe grows the grapes for the first organic Manzanilla, Entusiastica, which is made at Delgado Zuleta. He also supplies mosto to various people. He is a leading light in the Mostolé movement to recuperate the styles of wine and grape varieties of the past and is its president.
4,95, De Albariza

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