
Friday 22 December 2017

22.12.17 The Worst is Over; Barbadillo Invests in Tech

The bodegas association, Fedejerez, celebrated its 2017 general assembly yesterday in a mood of optimism, if not triumphalism. Member bodegas are now seeing a future in the Sherry business as things have changed greatly in recent times, after very difficult years during which many thought of giving up. The feeling is that the worst is over now, and Sherry is back riding the crest of a wave, a feeling shared by the bodegas and their president, Evaristo Babé. Among other topics discussed was a change in the strategy of generic promotion to fewer markets – just the most important ones – and directly towards consumers. While some bodegas prefer to do their own promotion, the differences are not great and Babé urged them to resolve them with business-like vision and without any politics. He said that Sherry is a marvellous patrimony and pointed out the good personal and business relations between bodegas and their shared vision for the future, but Jerez needs to change and since there is potential for increased employment, the necessary conditions for investment need to be in place. The assembly ended with a glass of Sherry at Bodegas Gutiérrez Colosía, attended by the Mayor of El Puerto de Santa María, the president and director of the Consejo Regulador and members of the Cádiz Confederation of Business among others.


Bodegas Barbadillo has implemented a new technology to monitor the condition of the vineyards. Using big data and artificial intelligence which provides information in real time, this helps decision making to obtain the best possible quality in the grapes. The technology is called Cultiva Decisiones and is supplied by Spanish company Seresco. It provides a huge amount of information from various sources, both public and private, along with sensors in the vineyard, drones and satellites. The information will be used to analyse factors such as humidity, rain and the risk of disease automatically. Information is both numerical and visual and this platform can even offer alerts and advice on fertilisation and when to harvest among other things, and information is available on PCs, mobiles and tablets. This will be useful in countering challenges like climate change and sustainability.  

Vineyard monitor - foto:vinetur)

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