
Friday 12 May 2017

Precede 2013 13.5%, Bodegas Cota 45

Deepish brassy gold with gold highlights, legs.
Full and complex, it smells very natural with notes of well ripened Palomino, hints of fresh apricot and pineapple, a trace of cider and a traces of waxed straw and oxidation along with some chalky minerality, but no flor. It smells big, characterful, old fashioned and immensely appealing.
It is big. There is a lovely fullness of almost rustic flavour, moderate acidity and a good texture as well as certain familiar Manzanilla notes. It has all the benefits of barrel ageing without the woody flavours. There might have been some transpiration concentrating it a little and the result is a magnificent flavourful wine.
100% Palomino grown in the pago Miraflores near Sanlúcar and produced in very limited quantities (700 bottles) bottled in October 2016. This was a joint project between Ramiro Ibáñez of Cota 45 and Manuel Guerra of Taberna er Guerrita as part of their quest to resucitate old styles of wine. Apart from the ageing perhaps, this is what "vino blanco" would have tasted like before the days of soleras. It was fermented in one old Manzanilla butt and left to age there, full to the brim ("a tocadedos") to avoid flor, for three years before light filtration and bottling. It has no DO but the chaps who made it have no need of that hassle. The wine will be sold out long before the paperwork is done. This is the same wine Ramiro supplies to Guerrita for the annual mosto only this has been aged.
16.15 euros, Licores Corredera

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