
Sunday 14 May 2017

Brandy Insuperable Solera Reserva 36%, González Byass

Bright light mahogany with gold and copper highlights.
Polished bouquet of caramel, wood and oloroso with a trace of brown sugar sweetness melding with an attractive nuttiness. It smells rich, smooth and well balanced.
Smooth and nutty with hints of raisins and caramel. The Oloroso doesn't dominate, rather adding to the spirit's complexity and roundness. Good value.
González Byass have been producing brandy  since at least the 1850s, but their still was soon inadequate to supply demand. Manuel María González Ángel, having been impressed with the Scotch distilleries built by Gilbeys, sought the skills of their designer, a Mr Thomson, who then came to Jerez and designed a larger and more efficient distillery which was completed in 1860. It was then that new soleras were established and Insuperable was launched. Nowadays that distillery is used for Lepanto and base spirit for the other brandies comes from the firm's distillery in Tomelloso, being transported to Jerez for ageing. Insuperable is approximately 8 years old.
9.85 euros from Licoreria La Latina, Fuengirola

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