
Saturday 6 May 2017

6.5.17 New Jerez Beer Aged in Sherry Butts

Bodegas El Maestro Sierra and Cayetano del Pino have a new neighbour in Plaza Silos: the Bodega 15 & 30 which makes artisan beer. Various businessmen led by the Merino group have converted an old 500 square metre bodega, once used by Manuel Luque to produce medicinal wines, into a brewery. Here they ferment two different beers and mature them in butts of Galician oak from sustainable forests seasoned with Oloroso to the satisfaction of the Consejo Regulador. The brewery and its beer take their name from the number of arrobas in a Sherry butt (30) and a half butt (15). The plan is to produce four beers, and they are experimenting with ageing them in a solera and in ex brandy butts.


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